How to Choose the Best Anodizing Services Company
When thinking about who to choose for anodizing services, keep in mind that it is not as simple as it might first appear. Depending on the type of anodized aluminum you need, you might need to work with a different type of anodized for your project. This article will help you to understand the different types of anodizing services and which company is the best for you.
What is Anodizing?
Anodizing is a process that adds a protective layer of aluminum oxide to a metal surface. Anodizing is a non- corrosive process that keeps aluminum’s natural grain pattern intact. This process is often used on aluminum extrusions, aluminum alloys, aluminum plates, aluminum bars, aluminum extruded profiles and aluminum strips for a variety of applications. The anodizing process is used to protect aluminum from corrosion and abrasion. It helps to maintain the strength and structure of the metal, while still providing …
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