Developments in Technologies – Let Each Business Use Messages On-Hold!
After hearing impressive-sounding messages on-hold at bigger companies, a lot of small shops, modest healthcare practice, or home-based business owners might have thought of playing promotional messages on-hold for their callers only to become frustrated in their efforts to acquire them implemented with the single-line or multi-line telephones they presently use. They can take heart. It appears that technologies have smiled on them!
There was a time when the capability of playing music & messages for callers on-hold was reserved only for businesses that could afford the expense or warrant the space needed for Key Service Unit (KSU) or PBX telephone systems. The advent of telephone-audio or music-on-hold (MOH) adapters several years ago brought on-hold messaging to home-based and other little businesses, which we’re using single-line, two-line, or four-line phones. As the number of companies opting to take advantage of this powerful form of advertising grew, manufacturers of telephone-audio adapters …
Developments in Technologies – Let Each Business Use Messages On-Hold! Read More