Sugar is almost a staple in the way we eat in today’s world. In every store there will be an insurmountable amount of candy options that target people who are most likely to want to eat some candy. These could be diabetics, obese ridden individuals, or children grabbing at the pant legs of their guardians in hope that they might buy any candy boxes portland or. In all the time that candy existed there remains the wonders that await such a portable snack option. In this article we will be discussing the history of candy, what candy actually is, and some other interesting routes derived from this subject.

What is the history of candy? According to articles of old candy was first cultivated by the ancient Indians of four B.C. In this time they considered candy to be reeds on the trees that produced honey with out bees. These reeds are known today as sugar cane and it was during these historical moments were the agriculture around this plant was first produced in ancient India. The preparation of their candy back in the day involved boiling sugar cane until it solidified so that the reed was then conduced to a solid sugar form that was edible. Most of these events took place in South Asian parts of the world. Another tradition ancient civilizations did was to make candy out of honey which was the base ingredient for almost all the items in the trade market then. In modern times honey is more likely to be considered as a garnish rather than being the primary ingredient in all the candy ever made.
What is candy? Well according to documentation candy is just one name that it goes by. Other references such as lolly pops and sweets have been dubbed to identify the candy itself. These documents also state that candy causes cavities in the teeth of the people who consume too much of it on a regular basis. Good bye dental health. The sugar contained in these sweets are just food for bacteria which incrementally collects on an individuals teeth. This is bad but also ironic because early on in the industrial revolution the candy was considered a form of medicine. As laughable as that may seem it is very true indeed. It was claimed that a piece of candy can help a sore throat and calm an upset stomach. It was the first form of Advil people thought worked when all it did was ruin a perfectly good smile.
When candy came to the United States a lot of it was only available to the wealthy and the powerful. Even the most basic forms of the substance were considered luxurious. This changed as soon as the industrial revolution took it’s toll on American soil. During this period of time the snack was accessible to not only the wealthy but to the working middle class as well. All in all the candy that we see today differs greatly to the candy our ancestors enjoyed.